GT Carts | Golf Cart Winter Storage

Monticello (574) 297-5637

Cicero (317) 606-8679

Behind the wheel, ahead of the curve.


Golf Cart Winter Storage

GT Carts offers win­ter stor­age free­ing up valu­able space in your garage or get­ting your cart out of the ele­ments to a safe place where it will be prop­er­ly main­tained through the winter. 

We do more than just pick up your cart, stick it some­where, and bring it back to you. All of our stor­age carts are kept indoors in facil­i­ties kept above freez­ing and reg­u­lar­ly mon­i­tored. Fur­ther­more, elec­tric carts are charged reg­u­lar­ly to main­tain bat­tery health. Last­ly, all carts are cleaned before we bring them back to you, ready to go.

The pro­gram is sim­ple. The fee cov­ers local pick-up, up to 6 months of stor­age, win­ter main­te­nance, clean­ing and local deliv­ery. The stor­age fees for 2023 are $200 for a gas-pow­ered cart, $250 for an elec­tric cart, and $300 for any 6 pas­sen­ger cart. 

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