GT Carts | 25 fun things to do in a GT Cart!

Monticello (574) 297-5637

Cicero (317) 606-8679

Behind the wheel, ahead of the curve.


25 fun things to do in a GT Cart!

Well, for starters they look fan­tas­tic. But maybe the best part is their depend­abil­i­ty and util­i­ty. Whether you want to head down to the lake to go fish­ing, over to the fire pit for a com­mu­ni­ty par­ty or just cruise around and enjoy the sights, a GT Cart is a gas! Unless, of course, it’s elec­tric, then it’s a charge! You just can’t help but have fun on one.

  1. Haul cool­ers, life vests and water skis down to the dock.
  2. Haul peo­ple down to the dock.
  3. Dri­ve to that secret place on the shore and take your daugh­ter fishing
  4. Bring wood to the fire pit
  5. Go for a morn­ing dri­ve around the neighborhood
  6. Bring a load of fresh mulch to the backyard
  7. Dri­ve over to the neigh­bors for hap­py hour
  8. Pick up the mail. If you have a real­ly long driveway
  9. Teach your son how to drive
  10. Play a round of golf! 
  11. Explore the campground
  12. Dri­ve a scenic trail
  13. Put your grand­kids on your lap and let them steer
  14. Sneak up on some­one and honk your horn
  15. Race your neighbors
  16. Cruise around the farm show look­ing at vin­tage equipment
  17. Grab some friends and take a lap around the fairgrounds
  18. Dec­o­rate your cart and join in a hol­i­day parade
  19. Trick or treat with your kids
  20. Make it easy on your­self dur­ing your town­wide festival
  21. Pro­vide mobil­i­ty to peo­ple who have a hard time get­ting around
  22. Go to the cof­fee shop
  23. Cruise the pits at the track
  24. Explain to your friends, again, why your cart is bet­ter than theirs
  25. Shine it up and show it off

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