GT Carts | About Our Custom Golf Carts & Accessories | Monticello, IN

Monticello (574) 297-5637

Cicero (317) 606-8679

Behind the wheel, ahead of the curve.


About Us

Ezgo award web bw

GT Carts was named EZ-GO 2020 Midwest Region Performer of the Year

Before there was GT Carts, there was Grit­ten Turf Com­pa­ny. My broth­er Ben and I (Matt) start­ed Grit­ten Turf Com­pa­ny, LLC in 1999. We aer­ate golf cours­es. Ben and I were so young when we start­ed, that when we would stop in at golf cours­es and ask to speak to the super­in­ten­dent, we were often offered job appli­ca­tions for sum­mer employ­ment. Our broth­er, Jason, came on board in 2001. Over time we have added equip­ment and peo­ple. All of our growth since 2001 has been through word of mouth in the golf com­mu­ni­ty. We have an impec­ca­ble rep­u­ta­tion and are sought out by golf cours­es in need of our ser­vices. Our clients range from Mom-and-Pop golf cours­es to some of the most pres­ti­gious coun­ty clubs in the Unit­ed States; from local ath­let­ic com­plex­es to sta­di­ums and NASCAR facilities.

How GT Carts sprout­ed out of Grit­ten Turf Company 

Gritten turf 99

Matt and Ben Gritten on the first day of Gritten Turf Company, April 1999.

GT Carts start­ed because of a dilap­i­dat­ed build­ing. We ran Grit­ten Turf out of our homes and kept our equip­ment at our Grand­fa­thers’ farm. We rent­ed his old milk­ing barn and kept the equip­ment inside of it and the trucks and trail­ers were stored out­side. Grand­pa liked us being around and we liked being around him. After grand­pa passed away, we bought the build­ing that became the first GT Carts dealership.

The build­ing was in ter­ri­ble con­di­tion. We need­ed to raise some mon­ey to com­plete the need­ed repairs. So, we bought a cou­ple of golf carts, fixed them up and stuck them out front. This was in 2011. In 2012 we offi­cial­ly start­ed GT Carts. We became an E‑Z-Go deal­er in the spring of 2013. Our golf cart busi­ness has grown as our rep­u­ta­tion has spread. We have worked hard to build an out­stand­ing rep­u­ta­tion. We will con­tin­ue to work hard to main­tain and expand it in the future.

GT Carts is now a leader in cus­tomized golf carts in Indi­ana. We have two des­ti­na­tion deal­er­ships — Mon­ti­cel­lo and Cicero, Indi­ana. We’ve built cus­tom carts for leisure, we’ve built them for sport, we’ve even built them for police forces. When you choose to buy a cart from us, rest assured, you will be tak­en care of.

Our team plays to win… your business.

We have assem­bled an expe­ri­enced, tal­ent­ed team of mechan­ics, painters, assem­blers and atten­dants. They love what they do and it shows. Every­one has a job and we have qual­i­ty con­trol process­es in place to ensure every GT Cart we sell mea­sures up to your expectations.

Of course, you can expect every team mem­ber to be cour­te­ous and attentive.

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