GT Carts | GT Carts | Cushman Utility / Industrial Vehicles

Monticello (574) 297-5637

Cicero (317) 606-8679

Behind the wheel, ahead of the curve.

CUSH MY23 Hauler Pro X E Li TE 04807 sm
Titan HD Media Gallery 3

GT Carts is an authorized dealer of Cushman commercial vehicles.

Cushman Logo 2022

Cush­man® com­mer­cial and util­i­ty vehi­cles are known to be the tough­est work­ers on the job and the smoothest oper­a­tors in the ware­house. Cush­man vehi­cles offer a com­plete range of heavy-duty indus­tri­al vehi­cles, com­fort­able per­son­nel trans­port, and heavy haul­ing util­i­ty vehi­cles. With a full range of prod­uct offer­ings, inno­v­a­tive pow­er­trains, and pur­pose-built cus­tomiza­tion, there’s a Cush­man to fit every job.

Con­tact Com­mer­cial Sales Man­ag­er Kreg Fish­er to find the right spe­cial­ized vehi­cle to fit your needs at 2192079478 or kreg@​gtcarts.​com.

Hauler800 Blue Electric TQR 094 Elite

Util­i­ty Vehicles

Nev­er back down from a chal­lenge with depend­able pow­er and pro­duc­tiv­i­ty. Built to trans­port peo­ple, tools, and equip­ment around any facil­i­ty with ease

Shuttle4 Blue TQR 135

Per­son­nel Transport

Ver­sa­tile vehi­cles designed to mul­ti-task. Car­ry up to 8 pas­sen­gers or a com­bi­na­tion of pas­sen­gers equipment.

Titan HD 4 00062

Indus­tri­al Vehicles

Get more out of your work­day by effec­tive­ly mov­ing tools and equipment.

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