Monticello (574) 297-5637

Cicero (317) 606-8679

Behind the wheel, ahead of the curve.

Express L6 Amelia Island 2020 6582

Ready to power-up your ride?

Lead-acid bat­ter­ies are one tried-and-true way to pow­er your golf cart, but a new con­tender, lithi­um-ion, has sig­nif­i­cant advan­tages that are hard to ignore. Lighter, thin­ner, and best of all, no main­te­nance. These stor­age cells have tak­en the indus­try by storm and are becom­ing more acces­si­ble due to their high demand. GT Carts is hap­py to announce lead-acid to lithi­um-ion bat­tery con­ver­sions with E‑Z-GO’s OEM man­u­fac­tur­er, Samsung.

The excite­ment around lithi­um bat­ter­ies is their small­er, lighter weight build that can hold a greater charge than lead-acid bat­ter­ies. This gives your cart a per­for­mance enhance­ment and sheds some excess weight, to the tune of about 300 pounds. The con­ver­sion process is fair­ly sim­ple. We remove the old lead-acid bat­ter­ies and their rack replac­ing them with the Sam­sung SDI lithi­um-ion bat­ter­ies plus a new rack leav­ing your cart lighter and ready for action.

Lithi­um tech­nol­o­gy is extreme­ly reli­able and all Sam­sung SDI bat­ter­ies have an 8‑year war­ran­ty. What’s even bet­ter is that the bat­ter­ies are main­te­nance free. No check­ing water lev­els, cor­ro­sive acid, or spe­cial stor­ing meth­ods in win­ter. Charg­ing is a breeze too, just plug it in overnight and you’re good to go. The lithi­um bat­tery also deliv­ers con­tin­u­ous pow­er, so your cart will work just as well at 10% as it does at 100%.

If you love the golf cart you have, invest in it and upgrade to a lithi­um-ion bat­tery, con­ver­sions are $2,900. You’ll be sav­ing time and mon­ey on long-term main­te­nance and help­ing the envi­ron­ment while enjoy­ing every sec­ond of it.

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