GT Carts | Custom Golf Carts

Monticello (574) 297-5637

Cicero (317) 606-8679

Behind the wheel, ahead of the curve.

Liberty Black 960x720


The Vehicle Pushing Everything in a New Direction

The all-new E‑Z‑GO® Lib­er­ty is a first-of-its-kind vehi­cle push­ing every­thing in a new direc­tion with its four-for­ward fac­ing seats. As an ELiTE™ lithi­um vehi­cle the E‑Z‑GO Lib­er­ty is pow­ered by a proven, main­te­nance-free Sam­sung SDI lithi­um bat­tery sys­tem that will pro­pel your next adven­ture. Make the best of every moment while expe­ri­enc­ing unmatched maneu­ver­abil­i­ty, increased com­fort and more per­for­mance. Explore your next adven­ture with the E‑Z‑GO Liberty.


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