GT Carts | Custom Golf Carts

Monticello (574) 297-5637

Cicero (317) 606-8679

Behind the wheel, ahead of the curve.

Express L6 Metallic Charcoal 960x720

Express L6

Elevate your Expectations

Out­do your­self by explor­ing more than ever before with the all-new Express™ L6. This 6‑passenger per­son­al golf cart with rugged tires and high­er ground clear­ance, will ele­vate expec­ta­tions for a smooth, styl­ish ride. Boost your dri­ve time with the unbeat­able pow­er of our exclu­sive 72V pow­er­train, our main­te­nance-free ELiTE™ lithi­um bat­tery or a reli­able closed-loop EFI pow­er­train. It’s time to live larg­er and look extra good doing it.


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